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Experience Measurement and Metrics

Systematically measure experience and operational data to deliver transformational business performance predictably.

Start Measuring

Empower Your Growth With Metrics That Matter

CX leaders measure experience and analyze and act on what they learn. They use the resulting insights to take actions that optimize employee and customer experience and drive value. This systematic approach to value creation is our specialty.

Metrics Architecture

Align business objectives and KPIs to prioritize, organize, and best track your key measurements and metrics.

Get the Right Metrics

Dashboard Development

Design real-time, custom dashboards for organizational decision-making and VoC impact tracking.

Build Dashboards

‘Quick Start’ Measurement Strategy

Most organizations are data-rich and insights-poor; the right measurement strategy can quickly help fix that.

Get Started

Process Improvement

Refine and improve the processes that drive your measurement and metrics to boost program effectiveness and ROI.

Get a Tune-Up

Training and Education

Provide teams with the skills to effectively manage and better leverage the experience measurement tools you have.

Empower Your Team


Greater YoY Customer Retention


Greater YoY Revenue Growth


YoY Greater Increase in CLV

What is the role of measurement and metrics in customer experience?

Experience measurement and metrics help organizations understand current experience and its impact on customer behavior. This helps you to improve future experiences and ultimately drive desirable customer behaviors.

This is why robust customer and employee measurement systems and metrics are critical. It’s also important to understand the differences between the two because metrics (such as loyalty, lifetime value, or satisfaction) are derived from one or more things you measure and tell you important information about the performance of what you measure.


How you can maximize the value of experience measurement

Align Experience Metrics to Business KPIs: Align experience metrics with the KPIs that drive the business outcomes you desire.
Benchmark and Set Targets: Use perceptual and operational data to set benchmarks and targets.
Incorporate Voice of the Employee (VoE): Employees have insights and informed perspectives that can enrich what you measure, and how you measure it.
Customize Reporting for Roles: Customize reports and dashboards to address the ‘care abouts’ of different stakeholder groups.
Find Low-Hanging Fruit to Drive Quick Fixes: Even basic data analysis and reporting can help you “find and fix” relatively easy-to-solve problems.
Foster an Insights-Driven Culture: Encourage a culture that leverages customer experience insights in decision-making.
Experience measurement and metrics enable organizations to quantify customer and employee experience, offering a clear view of performance against expectations. 

ROI is driven across the organization, from better customer experiences and operational efficiency to greater retention and top-and bottom-line growth. This data-driven approach informs decision-making, driving improvements in products, services, processes, and experiences.

Learn More About VoC Measurement

What is the value of experience measurement?

By systematically linking customer experience to desired and targeted business results such as retention, revenue or cost efficiencies, CX leaders can consistently and predictably demonstrate how CX improvements directly impact the bottom line.

Even though top-level metrics like NPS (Net Promoter Score), CES (Customer Effort Score) and more can be tough for organizations to define and embed, when organizational leaders see how embracing metrics can help them predictably make ROI-driven business decisions, deliver business results and directly impact customer-centric business improvement, they embrace experience measurement.

Done right, experience measurement provides a view across all organizational activities— internal and external—and what to optimize to drive desired behaviors.

What is experience measurement?

Experience measurement is a multi-dimensional capability that helps you quantify the quality of experiences based on metrics related to what your customers perceive or feel about that experience, their behaviors because of those perceptions and feelings, and how those behaviors affect desired business outcomes.

Across your business, you should measure both leading indicators (which link forward to future events and outcomes) and lagging indicators (which look back at what was felt, done, or achieved), with a bias toward more real-time insights. Leading indicators are like looking out your windshield; they are better for hypothesizing what will happen but can be difficult to measure. Lagging indicators are like looking in your rearview mirror, and while easier to measure are hard to change. Both are important.

Why should you measure customer experiences?

If you don’t measure the performance of your customers experiences, you won’t know what they do, or more importantly, why they do it. You can’t see where systems and processes are making things harder than they need to be. You can’t know how they feel about their experience or how it changes behaviors like buying more, staying longer, or leaving.

With a nod to management thinker Dr. W. Edwards Deming, you can’t easily manage what you can’t measure. While this seems self-evident, many organizations still don’t do this—even though they have the ability to do so in other areas of the business.

Finance measures things like revenue, costs, and profit. Marketing measures things like awareness, acquisition, and retention. HR and operations manage their business by measuring performance. Experience measurement should be no different.

How do I determine the right metrics?

The right metrics are those that help you measure what’s most important to the organization and to the customer. They’ll help you understand performance, identify gaps, and focus on where to improve, and do so predictably and consistently. Most importantly, the right metrics will allow you, your team, executives, and other business groups to link how customers feel with what they do—and how that drives your business. They are a reminder that your customers have expectations of you too, and you need to understand and track how you are doing against those expectations.

Ready to discuss Voice of Customer Measurement Systems?

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