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Human-Centered Employee and Customer Experience Design

Solving the *right* design problems — and bringing experiences to life — in ways that delight customers and employees.

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Great Experiences Don’t Just Happen. They are Designed.

Intentional customer experience design means first shining a light on whose journeys are key to supporting your brand and maximizing your ROI. Then exposing their journeys — from initial awareness to research to conversion and retention — and then optimizing the touchpoints that matter most, to those audiences that matter most. Because while every touchpoint is important, and every customer should be treated with care, priorities count: to budgets, bandwidth, and to what your customers do and don’t care about.

A successful experience design means optimizing those touchpoints so that customer perceptions and interactions shift measurably more favorably over time.  

Does your experience design team know which customers have the biggest impact on your bottom line, which touchpoints and goals count most, and how to measure for measurable improvements? McorpCX can help you design and build a program to optimize and deliver the customer experiences that matter most.

And it’s not just about customers. Building an engaged and empowered workforce who will deliver stellar experiences to your customers, means taking an intentional approach to designing employee experience. EX design is the application of experience design to design HR structures (pay, org charts, etc.), benefits, products, services, even employee events, with a focus on continually improving the quality of the experience. Successful EX design focuses on improving what matters most to employees, as reported by them, to strengthen the emotional connections people have with their work. By extension, that typically flows back out to strengthen the connections customers have with your organization.

Help your employees be the best CX ambassadors they can be by mindfully addressing and improving their experiences across the touchpoints that count. This will pay off ten-fold in also improving your customers’ experiences, as you join front and back ends together.

Start Designing Remarkable Experiences Today.

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