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Let’s Talk
2 mins Read

Cultivate Excellence: Customer Centric Experience Training Insights

In a customer-centric organization, everyone has an “experience influencing” role.

Customer centricity is a way of doing business that puts the customer and their needs at the center of decision making. It’s a strategic approach ingrained in the DNA of an organization, affecting every role – and not just executives, or customer-facing teams.

To make this shift, the whole organization needs to be on board. This means engaging the C-suite and frontline employees, of course. But it also requires engaging those who influence customer experience, like marketing and digital teams, as well as back-office employees across the business, like those in legal, billing, and operations.

The fact is, there’s a mismatch between customer expectations and how employees deliver: According to PWC, only 38% of U.S. consumers say the employees they interact with understand their needs.

Closing this gap means helping employees learn what being customer-centric means, how it affects them and the business, and what they can personally do differently to serve customers better.

This is where customer experience training and development comes in.

Customer experience training and development is the key to organization-wide customer-centricity.

Helping your people behave in ways that are more customer-centric requires education, training, and learning new ways of thinking and working. And it’s much more than teaching employees how to interact with customers.

It’s holistic, equipping your people with an understanding of things like empathy, customer behavior, needs, and expectations. It encompasses both the technical and emotional aspects of customer experience, giving them the tools to understand customers better and specific things they can do to leverage this understanding to serve customers better.

For example, design thinking helps employees understand what the human needs of customers are and how to better address them. Empathy training can help them better understand and more effectively respond to customer emotions. And an understanding of customer journeys encourages cross-organization collaboration and problem solving.

Creative thinking and problem solving, focused on better serving customers

Customer experience training empowers your people, no matter where they sit or what they do, to make decisions that benefit the customer. This culture of empowerment not only instills a sense of ownership among employees but also drives increased productivity and faster issue resolution.

It also helps to instill a culture of innovation, helping your people and your business be more agile and think more creatively in ways that proactively solve problems and accelerates growth by continually refining and improving the customer experience.

As importantly, employees value training like this, boosting their productivity, engagement, and loyalty.

Customer-centricity doesn’t just happen: It requires bringing the entire organization along, with a shared vision of it means.

Becoming more customer centric isn’t just a “nice to have” – it’s increasingly a business imperative, with Gartner noting that nearly 90 percent of executives saying they want to compete on customer experience…. and being customer-centric is how you get there.

It’s also an investment, with Deloitte research noting that customer-centric companies are 60% more profitable than those that aren’t.

With comprehensive customer experience training, organizations can ensure that their investments in shifting to a more customer-centric culture successfully permeate every level of the business.

The result is a workforce aligned with your vision, and equipped and empowered with the knowledge and skills they need to consistently influence, design, and deliver exceptional customer experiences.

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