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Let’s Talk
Let’s Talk

Privacy and Terms

McorpCX is committed to protecting your privacy and take all reasonable steps to protect all data and information supplied to McorpCX via this website. We protect your privacy in a variety of ways, using industry accepted security measures to protect against the loss, misuse and alteration of data used by our system. We do not share any of your personally identifiable information with third parties and are committed to personal privacy on the Internet.

Our website contains contact forms so that interested parties can interact with our company. The forms may require users to provide personal information such as address, phone number, and email. We ask for this information in cases where it helps us to respond to requests more efficiently. When you visit the McorpCX web site, your Web browser software may automatically provide us with information such as the Web browser name and version, your computer type and operating system, and the previous Web site you visited if you clicked to our site from another. We also automatically determine your Internet IP address or your Internet service provider’s IP address. Any of this information may be recorded in our Web server logs or securely collected on our behalf via third-party services. This information will only be used internally.

The information provided by users of this site is collected in a database that only we use, primarily to generate follow-up messages and statistical reports concerning users of our site. McorpCX does not sell the information contained in the database of information collected from users to any third party and does not make any other use of such information. In the case of events and assets with multiple participating parties, information of those registered 90 days prior to and post publication or event date may be shared between the parties involved for the sole use of those parties. Information may not be shared or sold by any entity. 

By filling out any of the forms on the website, users consent to further email communication from McorpCX including newsletters, company updates, and other informational materials.  

McorpCX allows visitors to our website to read, print, or download a single copy of the information (web pages, case studies, white papers, PDF downloads, etc.) provided on our site for your personal, non-commercial use. Whether referenced herein or not, you may not reprint, modify, or reproduce any content without prior written permission.

Unless otherwise stated, the contents of this site, including but not limited to the text and images contained herein and their arrangement, are the property of McorpCX, all rights reserved. Articles authored by McorpCX or its employees and partners, and published by third party publications, are subject to the terms and use of McorpCX and/or the publisher. Users must obtain written permission prior to using, reprinting, or republishing any such information.

The copyright laws of the United States of America protect this site, and its contents. Except as specifically permitted in accordance with the terms and conditions governing use of this site, any copy, other reproduction, display or retransmission of all or any of the contents of this site is strictly prohibited. All trademarks on this Web site including but not limited to Mcorp, McorpCX, Touchpoint Mapping, Loyalty Mapping, Brand Mapping and Customer Experience Mapping are registered trademarks of Touchpoint Metrics, Inc. Any other trademarks including but not limited to Six Sigma®, Net Promoter Score® and NPS® are the property of their respective owners and may only be used with written permission of the owner. All rights reserved.

The information provided on this site is free of charge and for informational purposes only and does not create a business or professional services relationship between you or your company and McorpCX. The information in this web site is provided only as general information which may or may not reflect the most current developments; accordingly, information on this web site is not promised or guaranteed to be correct or complete. McorpCX expressly disclaims all liability in respect to actions taken or not taken based on any or all the contents of this web site.

We reserve the right to modify this policy at any time. We will always post the most current version of this policy on our website.