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Let’s Talk
Let’s Talk

How touchpoints are driving shifts in distribution, feedback and marketing channel control to alter the landscape of customer experience forever.

In the digital era of constant change, companies are struggling to maintain control over many aspects of the customer experience. Distribution channels impact how buyers receive information, make decisions, and how they feel about the brand. As distribution channels shift, so must a company’s touchpoints with that customer.

Identifying, evaluating and improving touchpoints can help you better understand customers, respond immediately to changing needs, and allow you to drive loyalty over the next five years—and beyond.

Where should you start? Right here. This whitepaper will help guide you in:

  • Understanding your current touchpoints,—identifying them, controlling the ones you can, and Influencing the ones you cannot control—
  • Constructing a plan for moving forward
  • Building a better customer experience and as a result,
  • Increasing corporate revenue and profits.

Just fill out the form to download this whitepaper and you can start mapping touchpoints today.

Your customers are changing Do you know what they expect?
“We see a change in direction at Microsoft. And McorpCX helped us with that – they set up the framework, they set the vision of how to do it, they co-created with us, they trained us. We are now able to operate with a much more outside-in, customer-obsessed approach than we could two years ago.”

- Microsoft - Chief Experience Architect, Customer and Partner Experience