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Let’s Talk

MCorp's free whitepaper helps you increase acquisition, retention, and loyalty by retooling your customer lifecycle stages.

Every customer relationship lifecycle is unique—to your institution, your industry, or both. But no matter the stages that define yours, it's fundamentally tied to brand awareness, customer acquisition, experience, retention, and churn.

What if you could easily tap into actionable advice to improve your lifecycle and strengthen your customer relationships? That's the promise of this whitepaper.

Understanding Touchpoints and Your Customer Relationship Lifecycle is about identifying the barriers to movement in the lifecycle and how improving your touchpoints knocks those barriers down. You'll learn how:

  • Touchpoints are the catalyst behind fast (and slow) lifecycle movement,
  • Loyalty and advocacy can be developed at any stage of the relationship,
  • Segmentation by value and needs is key to better customer experience, and
  • Reducing the right touchpoints can both cut costs and increase revenue.

Just fill out the form and you can start improving your customer relationship lifecycle today.

Understanding Touchpoints and Your Customer Relationship Lifecycle
“We see a change in direction at Microsoft. And McorpCX helped us with that – they set up the framework, they set the vision of how to do it, they co-created with us, they trained us. We are now able to operate with a much more outside-in, customer-obsessed approach than we could two years ago.”

- Microsoft - Chief Experience Architect, Customer and Partner Experience