Many companies stub their toe just getting started on improving their touchpoints. They don't know what journeys customers take, what the touchpoints are, or what customers think about them. At the other end of the spectrum are companies that have the data, but just need to get unstuck. This whitepaper covers both sides. You'll learn about:
“We see a change in direction at Microsoft. And McorpCX helped us with that – they set up the framework, they set the vision of how to do it, they co-created with us, they trained us. We are now able to operate with a much more outside-in, customer-obsessed approach than we could two years ago.”- Microsoft - Chief Experience Architect, Customer and Partner Experience
McorpCX is independently recognized as a top customer experience services and solutions company, enabling and guiding leading organizations since 2002.
Touchpoint Mapping®, Touchpoint Metrics® and Loyalty Mapping® are registered trademarks of McorpCX, LLC